MSLGROUP Espalhe’s Performance & Media Director Leo Carbonell explains the four pillars of the agency’s data analysis tool indexSocial.
Background: Helping Guaraná Antarctica become the most social brand in Brazil (and proving it too)
In late 2010, MSLGROUP Espalhe started to manage the digital account of Brazilian soft drink brand Guaraná Antarctica’s – a brand created by Ambev, the largest and the most result-oriented company in the country, 80% of whose business comes not from soft drinks, but beer.
At that time the brand needed a statement to be remembered for. A synonym that would work with PR and Digital Media and at the same time would create a connection with the youngsters. On top of all this, Guaraná was considered inside Ambev to be its weakest link in the chain. We needed something really strong to play tough in this scenario and that promised headline was chosen to be Guaraná’s battle flag.
It was important for us to turn Guaraná into the most social brand in Brazil and to prove it with an undeniable audit. So we started to work on an in-house project to measure the performance of all consumer brands in Brazil’s Social Landscape. indexSocial was the extraction-driven software from this project.
Watch the video: indexSocial – Keeping track of your Social Media Performance
Four Pillars to Extract Value out of Data
After lots of concepts and prototypes, we decided that indexSocial should rely on 4 pillars:
- Local curator: no one will understand every nuance of brands approach in the social media better than a local marketer. With local curatorship, we could aggregate the brand’s social presence based on similar strategies or segments, instead of reporting them separately. Also, we could eliminate bugs that were not relevant to the market/brand communities.
- Indexed results: rather than report on just brand growth, we decided to index the whole marketing and set its average “speed”. It was simpler to understand that a brand wasn’t growing well when its growth was slower than the market average.
- Blue Chips perspective: using the stock market as a reference, we reported only the mover-and-shaker brands in this environment. We aggregate this group on a daily basis, based on the Pareto’s Principle: only brands that make 80% of the total audience would be reported on this group.
- Audience + Engagement: Audience numbers are as relevant as the conversation among brands and consumers. indexSocial should have to track both.
indexSocial in Action: Guaraná Antarctica
Audience: As the image shows, Guaraná Antarctica broadened its lead ahead of runner-up brand Coca-Cola in a selected time period. Due to the index approach, Guaraná Antarctica remains at the top as the “ruler” (at 1,000) while other brands find their place on the index based on audience size (with the lowest ranking brand at 0). indexSocial also allows us to track unindexed figures for your brand and each of your competitors.
indexSocial: the audience index of Guaraná Antarctica
Engagement: indexSocial allow us to track engagement by individual platform or through a 3-platform perspective. Engagement is a much more sensible variable, and one that is more prone to frequent changes in the standings. Therefore you will see up to 3 leaders on this chart. indexSocial helps brand teams understand when those variations took place and identify what worked well or what didn’t work so well.
indexSocial: the engagement index of Guaraná Antarctica
indexSocial Today:
indexSocial has become an important ally to MSLGROUP Espalhe’s PR stunt strategy. 30 months after launch, all major local marketing news media groups have published rankings, lists and infographics based upon the indexSocial platform.
MSLGROUP itself releases a Brazilian Top 10 study every month, and a special segment analysis on topics like fast food chains or soft drinks every quarter. In addition we release an infographic, with a special analysis on a big event, such as what we released about the Rock in Rio or the World Cup.
Click to view the full infographic: Rock in Rio Sponsors on Social Media
02 February – People’s Insights Monthly Briefs by MSLGROUP
About People’s Insights
100+ thinkers and planners within MSLGROUP share and discuss inspiring projects – that are driving engagement with stakeholders – on the MSLGROUP Insights Network. Every month, we pick the best projects and analyse conversations around them, on the MSLGROUP Insights Network itself and also on the broader social web, into an insights report. Every quarter, we compile original insights from the MSLGROUP global network into the People’s Insights Quarterly Magazine.
In our first year and half, we focused on inspiring consumer projects around social data, crowdsourcing, storytelling and citizenship. We synthesized the insights to provide foresights for business leaders and change-makers in the ten-part People’s Insights annual report titled Now & Next: Ten Frontiers for the Future of Engagement, also available as a Kindle eBook and an iPad app.
In 2013, we launched “The Future of” series with a focus on Citizenship, Money and Employee (Re)Engagement. In 2014, we continue to track inspiring projects that are shaping the future of engagement, with a focus on reputation, employee engagement and citizenship.